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Providing ample opportunity for the public to engage and participate in the decision-making process by the town board during the pandemic is a top priority. In order to ensure public participation, the following options prior to town board meetings will be available for public comment. These options were developed to allow different technologies to be used ensuring equitable and robust comment opportunities: 

  • Email: The public will be allowed to comment by sending written comments to of no more than 400 words via email that will then be read aloud at the meeting. In keeping with the board’s current procedures, only one (1) three-minute of verbal reading will be allowed per email. The deadline to submit by email is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 28.
  • Phone: The public will be able to call (704)940-9614 and leave a voicemail message in order to provide public comment. These messages will be played during public comment periods, but will be limited to three minutes. The deadline to submit by phone is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 28.
  • Speak Up Online Platform: Prior to each meeting, the town will post a question online via Speak Up here that will allow the public to comment via this method. The comments will be read aloud at the meeting, but limited to three minutes. The deadline to submit by Speak Up is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 28.
  • Social Media: Prior to each meeting, a social media post will solicit any public comment for the upcoming meeting. These comments will be read aloud at the meeting, but limited to three minutes. The deadline to submit by social media is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 28.

Note: If the same comment is made via multiple methods, only one will be used in the meeting with the voicemail taking first priority. Public comment must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. the day of the virtual meeting.

Please submit your public comment of no more than 400 words here.

Please note you may also use the following options to submit public comment: 

  • Email: The public will be allowed to comment by sending written comments to of no more than 400 words via email that will then be read aloud at the meeting. In keeping with the board’s current procedures, only one (1) three-minute of verbal reading will be allowed per email. The deadline to submit by email is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 28.
  • Phone: The public will be able to call (704)940-9614 and leave a voicemail message in order to provide public comment. These messages will be played during public comment periods, but will be limited to three minutes. The deadline to submit by phone is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 28.
  • Social Media: Prior to each meeting, a social media post will solicit any public comment for the upcoming meeting. These comments will be read aloud at the meeting, but limited to three minutes. The deadline to submit by social media is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, July 28.
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