Fast internet access is required for the residents of our town to thrive. Currently, Internet speeds range from virtually nonexistent to fiber connections with very fast speeds. There is great inequity from neighborhood to neighborhood. As part of the planning process to improve our town, I would like to see the town assist with the implementation of fiber internet connections for all residents.

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We enjoyed the city as we visited for 6 weeks. The residential traffic ways are dangerous and blind in some spots. Parking Enforcement has to be a low priority as a retired police officer, I understand that. Parking on one side creates a disrupted flow pattern. Davidson has grown and traffic flow has changed. Consider NO PARKING ON STREET to promote a safer traffic flow. Thanks for allowing input and observations from visitors.

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Davidson claims to be a progressive city. The hypocrisy in this is disgusting. I am appalled that "Roosevelt Wilson" park continues the name. I will be filing a petition to change the racist name of the park. Princeton to remove Woodrow Wilson's name from school, citing his...

Ann Mead over 4 years ago

As we are all aware the Coronavirus is spreading quickly and the impact to our community could be significant. The next 3 weeks are critical. I encourage the town to put together a Coronavirus Task Force. Project Manager to Manage the Following Tasks such as...Testing for Residents, Telehealth, Isolation Wards (Old IB School and Gym could be converted, or hotels in the area), Contingency and Risk / Mitigation Plan, Pooling resources with neighboring towns (Mooresville, Cornelius, Huntersville). Connect with Governor Cooper on planning, preparedness, support and resources.

Please consider postpoining 251 School Property events until the coronavirus situation is contained. There is no rush in moving forward with this project and conducting public input sessions while the health and safety of the community is at risk. What liabilities is the town willing risk in conducting these sessions at this time. A 2 month pose would be advisable.

Pat Helmandollar almost 5 years ago

Absolutely we should move forward on subsidized housing. I read earlier that someone requested no tax dollars to be used for this. If it can be done using developers' fees and building permits, then do that. Otherwise, do what needs to be done to support these people. I believe in helping everyone!

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